 Press Release




Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri Rainforest
Wav file of Track 17, NKUMBI, Initiation Song

Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri Rainforest Wav file of Track 25, Molimo, "Darkness is good" (2.83MB)

Courtesy of Smithsonian Folkways

QuickTime Movies

Download QuickTime player to view movies.

Note: Segments 1-4 are estimated to download in approximately 4 minutes with a 56K modem connection. The QuickTime movies of Turnbull and Towles speaking are larger and only recommended if you are using a high speed connection.

Segment 1: QuickTime movie of film clip narrated by Turnbull of Pygmy children playing games. (621KB)
Segment 2: QuickTime movie of film clip narrated by Turnbull of Pygmy food preparation. (389KB)
Segment 3: QuickTime movie of film clip narrated by Turnbull about Pygmy fisherman purifying their nets. (696KB)

Segment 4: QuickTime movie of film clip narrated by Turnbull of a Mbuti teaching a child what is to be expected during initiation. (654KB)

Video Excerpts: courtesy of Avery Research Center

QuickTime movie of Colin Turnbull speaking. (10.5MB)
View with QuickTime player
QuickTime movie of Joe Towles speaking.(10.1MB)
View with QuickTime player


Download Acrobat Reader to view music score and diary.

Pdf File of Music Score for Joe by Colin (1.34MB)
View with Acrobat Reader

Pdf file from the diary of Joe Towles (with R.R. Grinker's margin notes) (1.37MB)
View with Acrobat Reader

Diary Excerpt: courtesy of Avery Research Center

© 2000 Roy Richard Grinker